Binary Builds

Where to find them

Binary builds can always be found in the releases page. Note that not all versions get a binary build. Sometimes this happens because two versions are released too close to each other, other times, because the changes were only in the documentation.

Build system

Binaries for all platforms (GNU/Linux, Windows & OSX) are built using pyinstaller. Pyinstaller can be installed on any OS via PIP pip install pyinstaller. On windows, the python 3 version is recommended since PyQt only has python 3 (python 3.6, to be specific) binaries available for this platform.

How to build them

Binaries are built using the following options:


pyinstaller -F -w


C:\Python36\scripts\pyinstaller.exe -F -w -i assets/Icon.ico


pyinstaller -F -w -i assets/Icon.png
  • The "-F" option will bundle all the used libs in a single file.
  • The "-w" option will disable opening a console window to display STDOUT and STDERR (eg. the program will only spawn the GUI window).
  • The "-i" option used in the Windows and OSX builds will bundle the picture in assets with the executable file.

The produced binaries are then bundled with license files and in a compressed file which is then uploaded to the respective release page in github.

For OSX, instead of bundling the executable file with the above mentioned files, the ".app" directory is bundled. This is done so that it's possible to run the program with a "double click" on OSX.

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